My name is Maria Virginia Corey (now Gilmore) and I graduated in 1991 with a Major in Spanish Language and Literature. I took some courses in Linguistics and later in Speech and Language Pathology while living in Spain after graduation. The goal was to provide a bilingual SPL and Audiology clinic here in New York City along with my dearest friend who is fluent in Spanish, English and Italian. As fate would have it, however, the cards did not play out quite that way. She fell in love and moved away. I started working for my Mother who has an architectural firm here in the City and have been here ever since.
My mother, being half Mexican, and I speak Spanish everyday. We have had a few business dealings with International clients (including building a golf clubhouse at a resort in Mexico) but most of our clients are local or national. My home is filled with the influence of both languages. My son's first expression was just clearly recognized by our Nanny as "Donde esta?" accompanied by the shrugging of shoulders. She doesn't really speak English...only Spanish...I wouldn't have it any other way. I speak to him exclusively in my mother did with me. I must admit, it can be a bit difficult for my husband although owning a restaurant in NYC for twenty years should have given him a basic knowledge of kitchen Spanish. But he insists that this is his incentive to finally learn along with his son, Clark Tomas.