As you may remember, I was intensely involved in photography for the first couple years after graduating, which actually was a direct result of the time I spent in France. I am, however, no longer trying to feed myself this way. In the spring of 2001 I decided to do a documentary story on the sub-culture of hippie music festivals. This led me to where I'm at now. In the fall of 2001, once my story was done, I ended up involved in the vending side of music festivals. I tried to do both for a while, but now I am 100% vendor. It just sorta happened that way. I never went looking for what I'm doing now, but I love it. I have my own company, Little Hippie, and I make babies, kids, and girls clothing. The clothing all features original artwork (mostly mine, a few illustrations commissioned) designed to spread love and understanding. Some of it is inspired by songs from the different bands involved in this scene, and the rest of the designs come from my own beliefs. I have an online store,, where you can view some of my stuff (right now about half of it is listed, but more will be up in the next month or two). I still have the photography site,, which I am embarrassed to say I haven't touched in over a year. And one more . . . That's an adult clothing company I started with a partner last year and left once it was established to pursue my own interests. I designed all three of these sites as well as a few others on the side. As you can see, not too much has to do with French. I don't know if I'll ever really be sure what my French major did for me professionally, but I am always grateful for the background in literature, film and writing, not to mention the cultural discovery of living in Paris. I have been living in New York ever since leaving Paris, where I'm very happy, but I travel all over the country for work. In fact, I spend more time on the road than at home. I'm dying to travel abroad again, back to Europe and beyond, but I will have to wait until next year at least.