Myth #1: Turning off my computer is bad for my computer - Wrong!

The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory states that modern hard disks are not affected by frequent shut-downs and that equipment may actually last longer because mechanical wear and heat stress are reduced.

Turn off your computer at night!


One computer left on 24 hours a day will cost you $115 - 160 in electricity costs a year and dump 1,500 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere.

A tree absorbs between 3-15 lbs of CO2 each year. That means that 100-500 trees would be needed to offset the yearly emissions of one computer left on all the time!

Security Benefit
When your turn your computer off you decrease the risk of someone accessing your files or e-mail.

Myth #2: Computers don't really need a lot of power if they are on but not used - Wrong!

During heavy usage (e.g., when you open a new application) your computer draws only slightly more power. The average computer uses about 120 Watts (75 Watts for the screen and 45 Watts for the CPU) whether you're using it or not.

Turn off your computer if you are not using it for 1 hour or more!
AT LEAST turn the screen off!!


One computer left on 24 hours a day will cost you $115 - 160 in electricity costs a year and dump 1,500 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere.

A tree absorbs between 3-15 lbs of CO2 each year. That means that 100-500 trees would be needed to offset the yearly emissions of one computer left on all the time!

Courtesy of Professor Judy Halstead