Recent Versions of web-HUMAN

III. Versions of web-HUMAN

The current version is version 6.1.

A brief recent history of the model

A] Version 6.1 with 1) on-line Help for variables & 2) How-Do-I Help for procedures (e.g. transfuse) is now operative.

B] Version 6.0 - was already in use at Skidmore in the Spring 2005 semester courses & was released generally shortly afterwards. This version (& its successors) offers

1) expanded graphing capabilities - graphing of up to six variables which can be plotted either with either normalized or with absolute values and as individual or multiple variable plots.

2) save/retrieve experiments capability- Via user registration version 6.0 adds the ability to Save created experiments for recall and the ability to share those experiments with other registered users. Possible uses include 1) the instructor creating an experiment for later recall & use in a lecture demonstration or in a student lab 2) students saving experiments for their own later further use, for instructor review and for class/lab group use 3) creation of new Patients not available via the standard HUMAN Patients option.

C] Version 4- was the previous standard version. It is no longer supported.
Version 4 included all of the standard features of the previous versions of web-HUMAN (1-3). The output was Tabular (6 user selected variables) but also included the ability to graph any two of the variables vs. time. Some of the support documentation (e.g. Workshops) was, by definition, written for version 4.

Access to Version 4 was terminated in Feb. 2006. Instructors still dependant on it should write me ( if this creates any problems.