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Skidmore College
Office of Communications & Marketing

Skidmore Website Standards

To assist offices and departments in developing effective websites that are compatible with the College’s Web design and functionality, the Office of Communications and Marketing (OCM) has developed templates and related guidelines. The templates establish a consistent presentation by placing key elements (a header, footer, and navigation menu) in the same location on all pages, enabling users to navigate easily across the overall Skidmore site.

This standardization spares users from having to learn a new navigation scheme every time they visit a new site within the Skidmore website. This is particularly important as people access individual pages via search engines or personal bookmarks since the design makes it clear that the information comes from Skidmore even if accessed without navigating through the home page. The templates simplify and enhance the design process; they provide a framework and navigation system for the designer, yet they leave ample room for creativity and individuality within the main content section of the pages.

Skidmore College utilizes site templates to ensure that college web pages meet the basic graphic identity standards. 

  • All pages associated with the use of the Skidmore seal, wordmark, and logos must be followed. See the Graphic Standards Manual for details.
  • All pages must include an email contact address for the department or program person(s) responsible for maintaining that page and responding to questions from site visitors.
  • Page designers are expected to select page colors that complement those used on official Skidmore web pages (see list here).  Pages containing significant amounts of text should use a white or light-colored background and contrasting type.  Black or other dark-colored backgrounds with reverse type should not be used.
  • The typefaces selected must complement those used on official Skidmore web pages.  When a page is designed as a graphic, we strongly recommend the use of 24-point Adobe Garamond #636055 for headlines.  When type is embedded in a page, Verdana font should be used for headlines, subheaders, and text.
  • All pages should be compliant with the provisions of the Skidmore Web Accessibility Policy.
    • This includes a requirement that images on a page need to have ALT attributes for readability by text-based browsers.  
  • All images used on pages must be hosted on Skidmore servers, not hot-linked from other locations (commonly referred to as bandwidth leeching).
  • As defined in the Skidmore Guide to Writing, all resources should be properly cited to avoid plagiarism.

The OCM Web Team is authorized to monitor and review any Skidmore page for accuracy of information and compliance with the website standards.  Departments or program person(s)responsible for pages that do not meet these guidelines will be asked to modify their pages.  The team is also authorized to remove or edit without permission, any pages on the Skidmore website that repeatedly fail to meet the standards.  Please note that these guidelines are not meant to govern the design of pages intended exclusively for Skidmore students, faculty, or staff but to align with the College's overall external-facing web presence and brand guidelines.

Contact the Web Team at with any questions.