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Skidmore College
Honors Forum

HFC - MINUTES  -- Friday, September 18, 1998


Michael Arnush, Phil Boshoff,  Steve Hoffman, Allison Kupfer, Emily Levy, Anita Steigerwald, Ann Henderson, Tina Levith


Sue Bender, Jon Ramsey

The Meeting began at 9:00 am, President's Conference Room.

The Council endorsed the following proposals to be offered as Honors Courses.

  1. CL200/LS2  + 1 hour - The Classical World - Michael Arnush

  2. PY221 -  Expository Writing  - Mary Crone

  3. LS2 050 (EW) - Literacy and Social Power - Joanne Devine

  4. FF221  + 1 hour - Litterature  du Xxe siecle - Lynne Gelber

  5. EN213 + 1 hour - Poetry - Barry Goldensohn

  6. MA113  (4 credits) - Calculus II - Mark Huibregste

  7. AH115 +1 hour - Introduction to Fiber - Margo Mensing

  8. AH102 +1 hour - Survey of Western Art - Amelia Rauser

Please note the proposals from Goldensohn and Devine lack the 'course revision' form and will be submitted to the curriculum committee after the faculty have sent in the form.

The following proposals are still under review:

  1. RE205 - Women, Religion and Spirituality - Mary Stange

    • The Council was unclear precisely what the honors component would be, and so Michael will consult with Mary Stange
  2. PSY  Senior Honors courses-

    • The Council will need to consider these proposals in the context of other disciplinary-based capstone experiences.  Michael will consult with Sheldon Solomon, Chair of Psychology.
  3. BI275  (1cr.) - Introduction to Biology Research -

    • The Council will need to consider this proposal in the context of other one-credit courses.  Michael will consult with David Domozych, Chair of Biology.

Other issues to be discussed by the Council:

1-credit courses

Senior year experience in honors, including departmental capstone courses and departmental requirements for honors overseas study.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 am.