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Skidmore College
Honors Forum

HFC Minutes, Friday, September 10, 1999


Michael Arnush, Phil Boshoff, Katie Cella, Ruth Copans, Kim Helms, Amelia Rauser, Jon Ramsey, Anita Steigerwald


Sue Bender

The meeting began at 12:00 noon, Honors Forum Lounge, Ladd 204

Discussion of the major projects the Council anticipates addressing this year, with Council members assigned to provide oversight and leadership:

  • Events: Amelia

  • Communications: Jon and Ruth

  • Summer Workshop: Phil

  • Liaison with student leadership: Anita

  • Honors Lounge: Katie and President (TBA)

  • Academic Festival: Katie and Kim

  • HF-Periclean: Kim and President (TBA)

  • Budget: Michael & Rebecca

  • Operating Code: Michael

  • Other issues: 300-level courses; Academic Festival and other showcases of student work; senior year-capstones, Periclean, Commencement; overseas honors; HFC leadership; lounge

Events: in response to a request from Michael, members of Academic Staff and the Honors faculty have submitted requests for (co)sponsorship for events, field trips, etc.; some seek funding, others simply sponsorship. The events include

  • van der Hulst lectures- host a reception and Q&A with Harry van der Hulst (Fall or Spring)

  • Penny Jolly (AH102H), Katie Hauser (AH265-HF200), Ruth Andrea Levinson (ED200-HF200) and Leslie Mechem (CL220-HF200) have each requested funding for bus trips to NYC (Oct.-Dec.)

  • Michael Ennis-McMillan-funding for two speakers for AN101H (Oct.)

  • James Kettlewell, tour of old campus (with Honors Floors) (Oct. 8)

  • Regis Brodie, gallery tour (Nov. 11)

  • NYC Opera with Prof. Tom Denny (Fall; note: cost range from $19 to $81)

  • Richard Dawkins on evolution-host a post-lecture reception (Oct).

  • Margaret Pearson-host a post-lecture reception with Asian Studies (Sept. 29)

  • Ken Storm-Asian Studies speaker co-sponsorship (Nov. 4)

  • Amy Richlin-Classics speaker co-sponsorship (Spring)

  • Faculty speaker-TBA (Spring)

Amelia will pursue these and other possible lectures, symposia, performances, etc., and draft a proposal for selecting and categorizing events.

Discussion with intent to pursue opportunities to offer local high school students one-course scholarships. This project, initiated by Phil separate from the HF, has received endorsement from the Dean’s office and dovetails with the HF’s on-going efforts to attract more top students to the College.

Honors Forum opening event with faculty & students an overwhelming success, reflecting the successful relationship between the HF and Admissions. The HFC decided to extend an invitation to Tabitha Orthwein, Associate Director of Admissions, to join the HFC as a guest for AY99/00.

Discussion of the Admissions process, specifically the screening process resulting in the selection of applicants with AQRs of "10" as HF candidates. The HFC did not resolve its role in the process, including the participation of Council members and HF students. This issue requires further discussion.

Course proposals for Spring 2000 will be reviewed & voted on via email in order to make the Sept. 15 Curriculum Committee deadline.

The Council resolved to invite Pres. Jamie Studley to a future meeting; Michael will follow through.

The Meeting adjourned at 1:00PM - next meeting scheduled for Friday, September 24.

Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca Burnham

Honors Forum secretary