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Skidmore College
Honors Forum

Honors Forum Council Meeting -- Monday, March 6th, 2000


Kim Helms, Phil Boshoff, Ruth Copans, Michael Arnush, Anita Steigerwald, Sue Bender, Katie Cella and Amelia Rauser


Jon Ramsey, Francesca Cichello and Tabitha Orthwein

Events- Committee structure has to begin managing HF events. Activities committee needs to have a more complete picture of the nature & scope of HF events in order for the students to play an active role and capitalize on HF membership enthusiasm. Copies of new inductee's applications, indicating their apparent enthusiasm and willingness to participate, to be given to Francesca & Katie to review.

Regarding email from Sue Van Hook about the need to engage HF students in political affairs (i.e., voter registration): Although her observations & remarks are appreciated, Honors Forum initiatives that are really best managed as student-based should not be generated top=down; The Council will encourage Sue to approach the student committee and, perhaps better, SGA, to generate interest.

Honors Proposals (HF271): Approval to remain the responsibility of the Advisor; the application procedures with HF are largely a formality but do still need to be completed. Alison MacLeod & Sarah Rubin's applications are still outstanding. Amanda Weyerbacher & Sara Hougen's proposals approved. HF 271/371 proposal forms need to be changed to reflect number of credit hours the proposer seeks from the HFC.

Newsletter- Ruth will contact Kathryn Gallien in College Relations for the name of an outside designer to handle the newsletter layout & design. If the design is successful, the HF can use the template in the future. Phil will edit the articles, but will work with Jon as well when he returns from the UK next weekend. Michael will compose a "Director's column" by the end of the week. Timeline for completion still undetermined.

Admissions has requested materials for Accepted Candidates' Days: Scope article (Michael will explore obtaining copies), brochures and a list of HF spring 2000 courses with days, times, classrooms.

Honors Forum workshop- March 31st at the Surrey. Details to be worked out on 3/20/00 HFC meeting, but the likely audience is HF faculty who have taught or will teach in the program; invitation will probably be extended to all faculty. The Council may also target specific faculty who have not taught in the program but have shown support and/or an interest in developing HF courses, as well as faculty new to the College. HF curriculum in light of reconfiguration may be a topic, for the impact on the diversity of the curriculum (e.g., no sciences in HF for Fall '00 and minimal participation anticipated in the future).

HF Orientation workshop for Fall '00: the Council decided to schedule the workshop for Tuesday, September 5th, 2.30-5.30pm. Anita will confirm the proposed time. Rebecca will schedule a meeting with Terry Diggory, Sue, Ruth and Michael to discuss the role of the LS1 summer reading in HF101.

Data collection to continue. Rebecca will purchase the appropriate software and continue the analysis of evaluation data, as Fran Hoffmann did last year. Amelia & Michael will read the Fall '99 evaluations and assess them in light of the 3/31 workshop, the appropriateness of the questions and their ability to elicit useful comments from the students.

Michael initiated a discussion of the administrative support for the Honors Forum and reviewed a recent discussion he had with Phyllis Roth, Dean of the Faculty. The Council discussed whether a one-third faculty member and a one-fourth secretary are sufficient support to manage the Forum; the general consensus was that it is insufficient. Michael asked the Council members to be aware of the demands on Rebecca's time from Philosophy, Religion and Classics, and that her role is to provide logistical support when possible rather than strategic planning for events, etc.

Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca Burnham, Secretary