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Skidmore College
Communications & Marketing


The Skidmore College type family brings our voice to life.

When it’s used thoughtfully, typography is a powerful brand tool that can reflect or expand on the meaning of what’s communicated. Skidmore’s typography is clear, clean, and fl exible for a wide range of situations.


Skidmore’s serif typeface is Mercury Display.

It feels both contemporary and classic, and we use it for headlines, subheads, and callouts.

When creating materials that will be displayed on computers that don’t have these fonts, replace Mercury Display with Georgia.


Skidmore's serif typeface is Mercury Display


Skidmore’s sans-serif typeface is Proxima Nova. We use this modern, clean set of fonts for subheads and body copy, and in any instance where legibility is a concern.

When creating materials that will be displayed on computers that don’t have
these fonts, replace Proxima Nova with Arial.


Proxima Nova can be used in a variety of weights, in either all caps or lowercase.

Proxima Nova is Skidmore's San-Serif Typeface


Skidmore’s display typeface is Trade Gothic Condensed No. 20. This is a strong, bold font that can be used for subheads, numerals, and callouts. Always set Trade Gothic in all caps
and use it for short lines of copy. Never use it for body copy.

When creating materials that will be displayed on computers that don’t have these fonts, replace Trade Gothic with Impact.


Trade Gothic Condensed No. 20 should be used only in its Bold Condensed weight, and always in all caps.


Trade Gothic Condensed No. 20 default kerning is a bit tightened up. When typesetting headlines or large type, set tracking to approximately –20 points.



Skidmore's display typeface is Trade Gothi Condensed No. 20


No matter who your audience is, a typographic hierarchy should guide the reader easily through the content. You can achieve this through size, style, color, and contrast, all of which help inform the reader about what content to pay attention to first. Use the example shown here as one possible starting point.



Type treatment - headline
Mercury Display Semibold
Size: 48–64 pt.
Kerning: Optical
Tracking: 0
Type treatment - subhead
Proxima Nova Bold
Size: 12–18 pt.
Kerning: Optical
Tracking: 100–160 pts
Type treatment body copy
Mercury Display Roman
Size: 9–10 pt.
Kerning: Optical
Tracking: 0
Type treatment callout
Proxima Nova Bold
Size: 8–14 pt.
Kerning: Optical
Tracking: 100–160 pts


Line spacing, called leading, should be set tight, but not too tight. In most cases, try leading that’s 2 points higher than the type point size.


Letter spacing, called tracking, should always be set slightly tighter than the default setting, and optical kerning should be used when it’s available.



Typography Leading and Tracking usage