2018 Academic Festival Program

17 6. Gender, Race, and Power in Art History Today: Bodies, Bodies, Bodies! Filene 115 Faculty Sponsor: Penny Jolly, Art History Presenters: Laila Morgan ‘18, Helena Meier ‘18, Lindsey Poremba ‘18 Come find out about three Art History majors’ Honors projects that interrogate representations of bodies in modern and contemporary art while raising questions concerning gender, race, and power. Their presentations take us from contemporary imagery where women’s pregnant and birthing bodies reclaim power and agency, to Mary Cassatt’s paintings of the Paris Opera, which complicate the then fashionable practice of looking and being looked at, to Augustus Sherman’s photographs that document what we might call transgender immigrants to Ellis Island at the turn of the twentieth century. Laila Morgan ‘18, “Birthing Bodies: The Pregnant, Birthing, and Postpartum Body in Modern and Contemporary Art” Helena Meier ‘18, "Mary Cassatt’s Women at the Opera: Representations of Female Modernity” Lindsey Poremba ‘18, “Photographing the ‘Foreign’: Portraits of Ellis Island Immigrants” 3:00 – 4:20 PM: SESSION 4 1. Dance education research: a fusion of art and science Palamountain 300 Faculty Sponsor: Sarah DiPasquale, Dance Presenters: Jessica Kogan ‘18, Tessa Minardi ‘18, Sophia Moritz ‘18, Hannah Weighart ‘19, Cinthia Duran Larrea ‘19 Senior and junior dance majors will present their research in dance education studies including periodization in dance training, cross-cultural dance education/reconstruction, balance changes in novice dancers and the development of the educational program ‘Dance to Success’ in collaboration with the Gloversville Enlarged School District. 2. Self Determined Major Senior Presentations Palamountain 426 Faculty Sponsor: Catherine Berheide, SDM Presenters: Langa Bakhuluma-Ncube ‘18, Daisy Culkins ‘18, Nola Donkin ‘18, Caldonia Noland ‘18, Carl Vanasse ‘18, Caleb Weiss ‘18 Self-determined majors are required to complete a final capstone project. These six distinctive presentations are indicative of the diverse scholarly work undertaken by this year’s SDMs. Their capstone topics range from the effects of looping in K-12 to dance.