Skidmore College - Scope Magazine Spring 2019

14 SCOPE SPRING 2019 2003 President Philip A. Glotzbach joins Skidmore A philosopher, academic administrator and spokes- person on issues of higher education, Glotzbach is inaugurated as the College’s seventh president. “I formally accept the respon- sibilities of this office with unfailing optimism for the Skidmore of the future,” said President Glotzbach in his inaugural address. Skidmore’s financial aid budget is $15.1 million 2004 2005 First-year student curriculum upgraded The new First-Year Experience (FYE) helps first-year students adjust to college life. The program features the occasionally eccentric, always engaging Scribner Seminars. Skidmore Cares begins. The holiday giveback pro- gram brings faculty, staff and families together to donate thousands of items each year for local pantries and causes. 2006 Creative Thought, Bold Promise Launched in 2006, the Cre- ative Thought, Bold Promise campaign ends in 2010 with $216 million raised for infrastructure, financial aid, endowment, sustainability and academics. Northwoods Village opens 2007 Moody’s outlook: Positive Moody’s, the credit rating agency, upgrades Skidmore’s rating from A2 to A1, a sign of Skidmore’s financial stability. In 2003, 660 new faces arrived on campus to the dings of SMS mes- sages on new Nokia cellphones and chatter about the final season of “Friends.” Joining them were two visionary leaders, who had just moved across the country to cham- pion an era of profound growth at Skidmore — Philip and Marie Glotz- bach. Skidmore’s seventh president has announced that he will step down at the end of the 2019-2020 academic year, but the impact of his leadership will remain. To celebrate, we’re looking at where Skidmore has traveled under President Glotz- bach’s leadership and where we’re heading next. —Julia Marco “After all we’ve gone through together, the part we are most proud of is that the energy and promise of Skidmore remains true to our core: Creative Thought Matters.” — PRESIDENT PHILIP A. GLOTZBACH C E L E B R A T I N G C R E A T I V E L E A D E R S H I P Philip and Marie Glotzbach at the CIS groundbreaking ceremony in October 2018.