FI201: Intermediate Italian

S.A. Smith
PMH 402B
tel. 5220

3 credits

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Benvenuti al chatroom d'italiano.

When you have finished reading this message, click the "enter chat" link at the bottom of this page, enter your name and info requested in the frames, enter a time for renewing running conversation lines (60 seconds is my favorite, but you may feel comfortable with another choice), then select the chat session dedicated to this week's assignments.

For those of you unfamiliar with chats, no problem with spelling, grammar or punctuation. Self-editing for form tends to block the flow of dialogue. Also, get ready for what may at first appear to be a whole lot of chaos. In a short time you'll figure out that two or more conversations are going on at the same time, with some folks flipping from one to the other and new ones developing.

For frequent chat users, do remember that this is a classroom, so if you feel like provoking or posturing & such which are found in many chats, try to control yourselves. Humor, of course, is appreciated. You must use language appropriate to a classroom. Ask me about alternative vocabulary to express heavy-duty expletives.