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An Introduction

MU106, Fall 2017 | Source Essay

Write an short (2,000 words, including bibliography) essay. Due Saturday 22 April 2017.  

—two sources on the Beatles published by verified sources.
—a subject covered in both sources.
—a paragraph or section from each source that discusses the same subject.

—the reliability of the sources.
—their likely biases.
—the authors qualifications.
—what in particular they bring to their description of the subject.
—the descriptions.
Give your paper a title and use subtitles to organize the information.
Open with a clear statement in the first paragraph about what you are about to describe.
Follow the MLA style for in-text parenthetical citations and for your bibliography, as described in the Skidmore Guide to Writing.  
I will grade papers according to how they meet the linked set of Grade Guidelines.  
Submit your essay as an email attachment by noon on 22 April as a Word document.
Late submissions will receive lower grades.

If your quiz average and essay grade give you an average of B+ or better at the end of classes, you may choose to skip the final exam and take your existing grade. I will notify you after the Quiz 6 when I will compile your grades and include these at the end of your essay, which I will return to you by email during study break.

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