The Music of the Beatles
MU 345 | Spring 2012
Requirements and Assignments
Effective writing and communication forms an important part of a liberal-arts education. Studies on creativity suggest that we are our most creative when we take different and often contradictory sources of information, weight them in our minds, and then combine them. Essay writing represents the combination stage.
My expectations for you as writers include that as a baseline, you be able to write without either major or simply annoying grammar and spelling mistakes. Any of these problems could distract or mislead your reader. A grade of "B" represents fulfilling the basic expectations of a paper as described in the sections on long and short essays. The sentences below describe the assignment of grades.
A Not only has your paper fulfilled all of the expectations of the assignment within the parameters of the assignment (e.g., word count), but you have (a) found unusual or original sources that distinguish what you say from what others among your peers normally are able to articulate and (b) you have been able to bring ideas together in a novel and informative way.
B Your paper fulfills the requirements of the assignment. You have a thesis, you provide appropriate evidence, and you have shown that the one supports the other. The writing is free of grammar and spelling problems. The degree to which you achieve these goals influences whether you get a + or a - added to your grade.
C Although you have made a good attempt at the assignment, you have problems. Very often, such problems are a consequence of insufficient time allotted to preparing the essay. You have the time. Prepare a good first draft and then put it down for the night. Pick it up the next day and learn how to read yourself critically. One good way of learning how to improve your is to read your words out loud. As musicians, you have good ears. Use them to your advantage.
D You have major problems that need substantial assistance. Go to Skidmore's Writing Center. They can help you, but not rewrite the essay for you.
F You either did not turn in the essay or you submitted something inappropriate to the assignment.
12 December, 2011