M&M Title

Team Assignments

Krasilovsky & Shemel, Chapter 23: "Music for Motion Pictures" (236-243)
Team 3. What is a "synchronization right"? What is the "performance right"?
Team 1. What is meant by "new media"? What fees are included for broadcast and cable television?
Team 2. What is an "employee-for-hire" agreement? Who owns the rights to works created for hire?
Team 3. What kinds of things would a composer do under an "employee-for-hire" agreement?
Team 1. What is "interpolation"? How are the goals of producers and publishers different?
Team 2. What did the 1948 case of Alden-Rochelle v. ASCAP resolve and in which context?
Team 3. What are "background instrumental use," "background vocal use," and "visual performance," and how do they differ?
Team 1. How did a ruling on the film Rear Window affect synchronization rights for music?
Team 2. Name two copyright search firms and describe their websites.
Team 3. What arrangements might be made for prominent motion picture composers?
Team 1. What fees might be demanded by the American Federation of Musicians in relations to soundtracks?
Team 2. Describe the relationship between soundtrack albums and record companies.
22 January, 2018