M&M title
Requirements | Spring 2018
Team Presentations (classes 2-8). The seminar will have three teams with representation from each class: seniors, juniors, and sophomores. Each team is responsible for responding to a set of questions. Teams must divide the tasks of preparation and presentation. [20 points]
Response Essays (2 & 16 February and 2 March).  These short (250-word) essays require you to examine and compare specific passages on topics discussed in the seminar. Submit via Word attachment via email. Ten possible points for each essay. [30 points]
Paper Draft (23 March). Submit a draft of an essay on a topic relating to music and media. The first part of your essay should (a) tell us your subject and (b) how you plan to approach it (i.e., what is your thesis?). The second part of your essay should offer the evidence that you think supports your thesis. (This could and should include conflicting data that you are prepared to evaluate.) Finally, explain the significance of your analysis: what did we learn or what insights can we gain from your essay? Your final presentation will be twenty-minutes long, which is approximately 10-12 pages, depending on how quickly you read. [10 points] 
Paper Presentations (classes 23-28). Read your prepared paper to the class. Students will have 20 minutes for their presentations followed by 10 minutes of discussion. [10 points] 
Paper Submission (seniors: 27 April; juniors and sophomores: 11 May). You will have time to revise your paper after your presentation and questions. Submit via Word attachment via email. [20 points]
Participation. Class discussions & presentations: e.g., reviews, interaction with guests, etc. [10 points]


As of 22-Jan-2018