Revolution and Social Upheaval les personnalités
1 2 3 4
--unit one
--unit two
--unit three
--unit four
--unit five


image banks
--l'assiette au beurre
 --La Vision de Hugo
 --Zola au Pantheon

 --Les Quatre Saisons de la Kultur 

On these pages are arrayed the faces of a number of key players in the Affair. Scheurer-Kestner (p.1) was Vice-president of the senate and one of the first powerful politicians to be convinced of Dreyfus’s innocence. Drumont (upper left, p. 2) was a violent anti-Semite, the publisher of La Libre Parole, the semi-official journal of anti-Semitism and anti-dreyfusards. Drumont was also author of the propagandistic La France Juive, an ponderous work of anti-Semitic ranting and delusion, that went through several hundred editions.  Beside him, Esterhazy, the true traitor for whom Dreyfus was made the scape-goat. Finally, on p. 3, Waldeck-Rousseau, the politician under whom the Affair finally was closed. 

Skidmore College Foreign Language Department web site design by Jennifer Conklin '98 revised August 1998