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Skidmore College
Honors Forum

HFC - Minutes  -- Wednesday, October 28, 1998


Michael Arnush, Phil Boshoff, Allison Kupfer, Emily Levy, Chris McGrath, Jon Ramsey, Amelia Rauser, Anita Steigerwald.


Sue Bender, Steve Hoffman

The Meeting began at 9:00 am, President's Conference Room.

The minutes were corrected and approved.

  1. Announcements

    • LS1 midterm review was announced by Alex Carballo for 10/27 and 10/28

    • Michael also announced that the HF students are planning an event centered on LSI and economics for Nov. 9; Tim Koechlin and Bob Jones of Economics were invited.

  2. Presidential Search

    • Jamie Studley was invited to the HF meeting, but was meeting with other groups.

    • Michael announced he was on a list to meet with her and that he had two Honors Forum questions to ask her.

      • How she would capture/recommend the Honors Forum to prospective students and parents.

      • The issue of financial aid/merit-base fellowship.

  3. Pre-registration:

    • Michael announced that the four faculty on the HF Council and Jon Ramsey are available to see students to discuss pre-registration for HF courses.

    • Amelia C. has put together sign-up sheets for the seven HF courses for pre-registration.

  4. Prospective Candidates

    • Amelia Rauser has agreed to do an Open House sample class on November 9 as an Honors Forum class.

    • Copies of the HF brochures will be at registration

  5. Expository Writing courses/Honors

    • Michael and Phil met with Linda Simon and Michael Marx; English Dept is interested in pursuing the restructuring of the 103, 105 and 107 expository writing courses with 105 or 103 as standard and 105 honors as an honors option. The Expository Writing Board representatives will bring both a generic proposal as well as specific examples to HFC and CC.
  6. Coffeehouse (HF student: Susan Kur)

  7. Amelia R. and Chris to meet and disuss plans for the academic festival.

  8. Budget:

    • Michael to meet with Sue Bender; 2-year budget proposal $25,000 to include HF Lounge furniture (Michael to meet with Lishan Yau) and a computer/printer


  1. One-Credit Courses: Michael met with the Curriculum Committee which endorsed the plan to solicit such courses from the faculty. Gerry Erchak (chair) and Ann Henderson suggested the following departmental rubrics: 177, 277 and 377. CC also recommended we consider other models besides the full semester one hour/week course design (e.g., 7 weeks, 2hrs/week, etc.) down the road. The HFC will need to design new forms for the 1-credit courses to be available by the Nov. 6th faculty meeting.

  2. Honors Forum Students:  Michael noted that he has heard from students who are having difficulty meeting HF requirements.

    • Andrew Cencini - proposed an independent study in the spring at honors level; requesting funding for books

    • Kerim Odekon  - will be overseas next year and has proposed an i.s. in mathematics or architecture

    • Eric Patridge - Chemistry/Bio Major has plans to be overseas all year and his major and minor in RE preclude scheduling any HF courses next spring.

Michael requested a formal proposal from each of the students. Jon put together some guidelines for Honors Forum Course Alternatives proposals:

  • Honors Independent Study

  • Honors Project

  • Study Abroad Honors Experience

At the next Council meeting we will discuss these proposals at greater length.

The meeting adjourned at 10:00 am and a special meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, November 4, 9am.