2017-Academic-Festival - page 20

Ryan Springer-Miller ’17 – SDM in Biological Anthropology: Public Health and the
Human Condition: The Doula: “
The role and value of the birth doula in maternity care
according to mothers
Readers: Bernie Possidente and Catherine Berheide
Chelsea Nuesi ’17 – SDM in Communication Design for Social Innovation: “
Becoming of Doctor Árbol”
Readers: Deb Hall and Andrew Lindner
Michael Stein ’17 – SDM in Universal Frequency Response: “
Psychoacoustics and
System Design”
Readers: Flip Phillips and Jill Linz
3. Advanced Research and Creative Work by Music Majors
Bolton 281
Faculty Sponsor: Sarah Day-O’Connell, Music
Presenters: Jobelle Mesa ’17, Emily Matsuda ’17, Leigh Tooker ’17, Yanqi Chen ’17,
Jenny White-Phalen ’17, Sayeed Joseph ‘18
Papers and posters from a variety of sub-disciplines within music studies: music
psychology, composition, ethnomusicology, and popular music studies. White-Phalen
discusses Cambodian popular music in diaspora, Chen and Matsuda discuss their creative
processes composing original works for their senior recitals, Mesa compares cognitive
processes involved in interpreting versus improvising music, Joseph considers the work
of Kendrick Lamar
and Tooker explores the role of Estonia’s music culture in the
country’s liberation from the Soviet Union.
Schick Art Gallery
Faculty Sponsor: Paul Sattler, Studio Art
Presenters: Mackey Howe '18, Kaitlin Curley Anders '17, Ethan Baskes
'20, Atlan Arceo-Witzl '18, Kaleigh Balken '18, Emily Cheung '17, Tate Smith '18,
Allison Gretchko '17, Helen Day '18, Caleb Weiss '18, Caite Canfield '19, Gillian Leffler
'19, Amelia Steeger '18, Cole Passaretti '20, Antonio D'Alesssandro '18, Jamie Scherzer
'17, Nicholas Solomon '18, Kaleigh Balken '18, Matthew Neporent '20
During the Spring ’17 semester, Studio Art classes in all media are sharing a department-
wide project exploring the concept and tradition of the bestiary. At the end of the
semester, student works that excel will be selected by faculty and displayed in the Schick
Gallery. During the Academic Festival, students with pieces in the gallery will speak
about how they developed their work from initial idea to completion, and the problems
and successes they encountered.
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