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Skidmore College
Honors Forum

Honors Forum Council -- Monday, March 27, 2000


Michael Arnush. Sue Bender, Phil Boshoff, Jon Ramsey, Francesca Cichello, Ruth Copans, Amelia Rauser, Anita Steigerwald, Katie Cella, Kim Helms


Tabitha Orthwein

[NOTE: I'm not sure about Anita and Tabitha, but I do recall Francesca walking in late.]

One credit add on discussed- more likely than not, these add-ons become detached from the regular course, creating a disconnect between the add-on and the 3-credit course. The problem is particularly acute in science & studio courses, where heavy content and contact time in 4-6 hour courses leave little little room for intensifying the courses, either with quality or quantity. This problem of a disconnect, and other issues that remain unresolved, will be the subject of the HF Workshop.

Workshop- 2:30-4:00 Friday March 3- Rough Agenda

  • Introduction: what we have learned from the evaluations

  • Linda Simon & Mary Lynn will be "keynote" speakers, highlighting their successful honors teaching experiences (Linda with EN211 + one-cr. HF; Mary with one section of AM232

  • 3+1 model vs. 3 model- by discipline or division, what is the make-up of the Honors curriculum? Is there a rough balance among the divisions, or are we beginning to craft a typical Honors program that depends upon and focuses increasingly on the Humanities? Inform the participants that credits are less an issue, now that the Council has changed the requirement to 7 credits or 3 courses

Other business:

HF101orientation- Anita has scheduled the orientation to HF101 and the Forum for the incoming class on Tuesday, Sept. 5, from 3:15-4:30, with Convocation to follow immediately.

HF101 course- as a result of a productive meeting with Terry Diggory (LS), Ruth, Sue and Michael proposed to reduce the course content by one object to leave sufficient time for the students to discuss the critical issues. Amelia's proposed course object (Aesthetics and Freud) to be postponed since she will be on sabbatical.

TA's for HF101- 5 applications; Amelia will encourage Ruth Battaglia to apply as well.

Academic Festival- Applications total 7 to date, and the AF committee has agreed to extend the application deadline. Emphasis on more publicity.

Brochure- Increase photo archives for HF- Academic Festival photographer to work with HF in doing so. Rough draft of brochure presented by Jon, editorial comments, and suggestions to be provided by members of the Council to Jon.