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Skidmore College

Call for volunteers: Safe Skidmore Ambassadors

August 24, 2020

Dear Skidmore students, staff and faculty,

As classes begin, and we continue to work together to minimize the potential spread of the coronavirus, the need to safely distance and wear masks everywhere on campus is especially significant. It’s not too much to say that the success of our fall semester plan depends upon our efforts to do so. Furthermore, the city of Saratoga Springs has instituted a masking campaign mandating that everyone wear a mask anywhere in the city, including outdoors.

As another piece of our community efforts, I invite students, staff and faculty currently studying or regularly working on campus to volunteer to be part of the "Safe Skidmore Ambassadors." SSA volunteers will walk campus throughout the day and evening, thanking those who are wearing masks (there should be LOTS of thank-yous). If they see anyone not safely distanced (6 feet from others) or not wearing a mask (required everywhere on campus, indoors and outdoors, with the exception of inside one's residence or private office) they will kindly and with good humor encourage that person to distance or mask. An Ambassador might say, for example, "Hi there. Could you put on your mask for me?" or "Hey folks, can we maintain a safe distance here?" The encouragement will be friendly and in the best interest of our community's whole safety.

To volunteer to take a one-hour, once-a-week shift as a Safe Skidmore Ambassador, just submit the short form through the link provided by email. Again, all are welcome to participate: students, staff, and faculty—for the well-being of our community during this pandemic is the responsibility of us all.

Thanks to all for doing all you can to help our campus and our community fight the pandemic.

Marc C. Conner