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Skidmore College
Health Services

Date Rape Drugs

These are drugs that are sometimes used to assist a sexual assault. Because of the effects of these drugs, victims may be physically helpless, unable to refuse sex, and can't remember what happened. The drugs often have no color, smell, or taste and are easily added to flavored drinks without the victim's knowledge.

These are the most common sexual assault drugs:

  • GHB (gamma hydroxybutyric acid), a liquid with no odor or color, white powder, and pill.
  • Rohypnol (flunitrazepam), a pill and dissolves in liquids. New pills turn blue when added to liquids. However, the old pills, with no color, are still available.
  • Ketamine (ketamine hydrochloride), a white powder.
  • Alcohol- Although not always considered a "sexual assault drug", alcohol is involved in over 75% of acquaintance sexual assault.

All of the drugs listed above can affect you quickly. The length of time that the effects last varies depending on how much of the drug is taken and if the drug is mixed with other substances, like alcohol. Alcohol can worsen the drug's effects and can cause more health problems.

Follow these steps to protect yourself from sexual assault but remember that if it happens to you it is not your fault.

  • Don't accept drinks from other people
  • Open containers yourself.
  • Keep your drink with you at all times, even when you go to the bathroom.
  • Don't drink anything that tastes or smells strange. Sometimes, GHB tastes salty.
  • Have a non-drinking friend with you to make sure nothing happens. 

If you think that you have been drugged and sexually assaulted:

Go to the police station or hospital right away. You can use 911 both on and off campus.

If you are considering going to the police or the hospital:
  • Avoid showering, douching, urinating, brushing your teeth or drinking anything.
  • Do NOT wash the clothing you were wearing at the time of the sexual assault.
  • If you decide to change your clothes put the worn ones in a paper bag. This will help preserve the evidence.

The Counseling Center (580-5555), Student Health Services (580-5550), Saratoga Rape Crisis Services (587-2336), and the Center for for Sex and Gender Relations (580-8255) are resources you can use if you have been the victim of a sexual assault.