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Skidmore College
SankofaBlack Studies Program

Gabriella FriedmanGabriella Friedman

mellon postdoctoral fellow of black studies

Office: Palamountain Hall
Phone: 518-580-5000

Gabriella Friedman completed her Ph.D. in Literatures in English at Cornell University in 2021. Her current book project explores how Black and Indigenous speculative fiction reconfigures the conventions of the historical novel to cultivate political practices. Her work has appeared in Modern Fiction Studies, American Literature, and PMLA, among other places. 

She has taught a wide range of courses at Cornell University, Appalachian State University, Cayuga Correctional Facility, and most recently at Skidmore. Some of her favorites include "Speculative Histories of Slavery and Colonialism," "Science Fiction," "American Ghosts," and "(Not) At Home in American Literature." In Spring 2023, she will be teaching a course on Black science fiction legend Octavia Butler, exploring Butler's published fiction, unpublished materials from her archive at The Huntington Library, and art and activism directly inspired by her writing.