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Skidmore College

Student Health Pledge - Spring 2021

This is a copy of the Student Health Pledge for Spring 2021. If you are a student and need to sign the form, please go here.

The coronavirus pandemic has taught us that the health and safety of our communities depend on reciprocity. Social mitigation actions like wearing a mask and respecting social distancing succeed only when all of us commit to them at all times. They fail when any one of us disregards them and endangers others.

Coronavirus affects all of us, but this pandemic has not affected us equally. Skidmore College recognizes the disproportionate impacts COVID-19 has had on BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, people of color), low-income, incarcerated, older and immigrant individuals, frontline workers and those without access to health care. We know we have individuals in our community who, for varying reasons, are more vulnerable to the impact of this virus. Our shared commitment to mitigating the spread of the coronavirus must be grounded in meeting the needs of the most vulnerable and disenfranchised members of our community. 

Because our understanding of how to mitigate the spread of this virus is grounded in science and is linked to what is currently happening in our community, we know our specific behavioral commitments will continue to evolve. We also know that within permissible and legal behaviors, some actions pose more risk and exposure than others.

I. Non-Negotiable Pledge Responsibilities

Knowing that my individual actions impact the entire Skidmore community, I agree to these non-negotiable pledge responsibilities regarding coronavirus mitigation and student conduct. I will:

  • Wear a mask covering my nose and mouth at all times, both on and off campus, when I am not in my personal living space. I understand I can only remove the mask while actively eating/drinking or engaging in vigorous exercise, when social distancing can be maintained.
  • Social distance, maintaining at least 6 feet of space between myself and others.
  • Maintain protective hygiene practices, including washing or sanitizing my hands frequently, coughing and sneezing into my elbow or a tissue, and following all cleaning protocols set forth in all Skidmore spaces.
  • Restrict travel to only essential or emergency travel. If I do travel for essential or emergency reasons, I will abide by all Skidmore pledge requirements while away from campus and will meet all applicable quarantine requirements prior to returning to campus spaces.
  • Limit gatherings and comply with all policies regarding guests and visitors in residential spaces on campus. I will not host non-Skidmore visitors or guests, including family members, in my housing.
  • Get tested once a week as required by Skidmore College. If required to by the College, I will comply with more frequent testing requirements.
  • Self-monitor for symptoms, and stay home and contact Health Services when I am sick or exhibiting COVID-like symptoms.

II. Communication Responsibilities

I agree to these communication responsibilities:

  • Maintaining open, respectful and honest communication with those I share a living space with about exposure, risk and personal boundaries.
  • Monitoring my Skidmore email account and other College communications daily so I am informed about up-to-date developments, restrictions and requirements.
  • Using the Skidmore-approved mobile app, CoVerified, and committing to an honest, regular self-screening for COVID-like symptoms while I am on campus.
  • Contacting Skidmore Health Services immediately if I think I have been exposed or had close contact (within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from two days before illness onset) with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, whether I am having symptoms or not.
  • Contacting Skidmore Health Services immediately if I have any symptoms that might be suggestive of COVID-19 and following their directives with regard to next steps.
  • Keeping my contact information, emergency contact information and evacuation plan up to date.

III. Saratoga Community Responsibilities

My membership in the Saratoga community means that I am committed to:

  • Understanding that any positive test results must be reported to Saratoga County Public Health Services and will also be communicated to relevant campus administrators in order to facilitate needed safety measures.
  • Abiding by Skidmore and Saratoga County Public Health directives for participation in contact tracing, quarantining or isolating myself from others for my own health and the health of others.

IV. Commitment to Building Equity on Campus

A commitment to mitigating the spread of the novel coronavirus is both a health and safety measure and a commitment to building equity on our campus. As such:

  • I understand that this virus affects everyone differently based on our identities and that it is my responsibility to remain educated and engaged as a member of our community.
  • I understand that essential workers on campus and beyond are at particular risk to exposure, and I commit to minimizing the risk posed to essential workers through my behaviors.
  • I commit to expressing my needs and risk tolerance in a respectful and transparent manner. If I see or feel that the student pledge has been broken, I understand I can anonymously report such behavior.
  • I commit to listening and honoring others’ communication regarding this pandemic in a respectful and dignified manner.
  • I understand that I and others will make mistakes during this pandemic and I will respectfully give and accept feedback with the knowledge that it is given to better ensure the safety and wellbeing of the Skidmore community. When asked to comply with the non-negotiable pledge responsibilities, I will do so without question or argument.
  • In scenarios where I am unsure of the potential risks posed by my actions, I will err on the side of caution as I make decisions that I know will inevitably impact the Skidmore community as a whole.

V. Understanding Limitations and Mitigation Behaviors

I understand the limitations to this pledge and the mitigation behaviors it outlines.

  • I understand COVID-19 is a highly contagious virus and it is possible to contract the COVID-19 disease even if I and Skidmore College follow every safety precaution and Centers for Disease Control recommendation.
  • I understand that a specific negative test result is only a snapshot in time. Negative test results do not mean I did not contract or cannot spread the virus. I understand that surveillance testing helps protect the safet y of the entire community and does not reduce my individual responsibility to act responsibly at all times.

I have reviewed Skidmore College’s COVID-19 student health pledge. I understand that failure to comply with these expectations will be referred to the student conduct process for investigation and adjudication. If found responsible for a violation, I understand that I may face a range of sanctions, up to and including removal from on-campus housing, suspension or dismissal from the College.

VI. Conclusion with Signature

We embrace our responsibility as citizens of the world to do the most we can in eradicating this virus, not only on our campus and in Saratoga Springs but in every space we pass through or inhabit. Not every member of the Skidmore community has the ability or access to return to campus this spring. We acknowledge that our community cannot fully reunite on campus until COVID-19 poses significantly less risk to all members. We work toward that day with resolve and hope.

Now that you have read the student health pledge and understand that your individual actions reflect on and impact the entire Skidmore community, we ask that you commit to each of these key non-negotiable pledge responsibilities. I will:

  • Wear a mask covering my nose and mouth at all times, both on and off campus, when I am not in my personal living space. I understand I can only remove the mask while actively eating/drinking or engaging in vigorous exercise, when social distancing can be maintained.
  • Social distance, maintaining at least 6 feet of space between myself and others.
  • Maintain protective hygiene practices, including washing or sanitizing my hands frequently, coughing and sneezing into my elbow or a tissue, and following all cleaning protocols set forth in all Skidmore spaces.
  • Restrict travel to only essential or emergency travel. If I do travel for essential or emergency reasons, I will abide by all Skidmore pledge requirements while away from campus and will meet all applicable quarantine requirements prior to returning to campus spaces.
  • Limit gatherings and comply with all policies regarding guests and visitors in residential spaces on campus. I will not host non-Skidmore visitors or guests, including family members, in my housing.
  • Get tested once a week as required by Skidmore College. If required to by the College, I will comply with more frequent testing requirements.
  • Self-monitor for symptoms, and stay home and contact Health Services when I am sick or exhibiting COVID-like symptoms.