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Skidmore College

Signs of spring at Skidmore

May 1, 2018
by Julia Marco

Misty mornings are ushering in longer, sunnier days, blue skies and warmer temperatures. The songbirds are back and the tree buds and flower bulbs are working hard to bloom. Could it be possible? Has winter finally had its last day? 

The only sure way to tell is to look for Skidmore's signs of spring. And from what we see, the signs show this sweet, celebratory season may finally be here to stay.   

1. Ice cream IS Served

Nothing says winter is over like that first sunny day and a heaping scoop of ice cream. While we're lucky to have our favorite flavors all year long in the Murray-Aikins Dining Hall, there are a few notable events that announce the change of season. 

Ben & Jerry’s Free Cone Day

Each April, students flock to downtown Saratoga Springs for Ben & Jerry's annual Free Cone Day. If you time your visit just right, you may be one of the lucky few served a special cone by a celebrity guest scooper, our very own President Philip A. Glotzbach. 

President Glotzbach serves ice cream at Ben & Jerry's
President Glotzbach serves ice cream at Ben & Jerry's on Free Cone Day. 

Dairy Haus

The Dairy Haus, proclaimed as "the best homemade ice cream in Saratoga Springs," is a local landmark only a short ride from campus. Closed for the winter, its springtime opening is often a surprise date that's a secret until the very first scoop is served. You'll know spring is here when you see Skidmore students making the pilgrimage for their Dairy Haus desserts. 

Ice cream cones from Dairy Haus
Isabelle Albin '18 holds her Dairy Haus ice cream cones with pride for her food blog and Instagram account, @isabellesplate

2. Everyone Is riding a BIKEMORE Bike

From grabbing those first ice cream cones of the season to running errands, traveling to downtown internships or taking a leisurely ride, as soon as the sun comes out, BikeMore bikes are all around town. The popular bike-share program is sponsored by the Sustainability Office and is free and open to anyone with a Skidmore ID. 

Used for hundreds of rides per year, BikeMore has helped offset more than 1,000 pounds of green house gas emissions. 

3. Sunny Days Are Spent OutDoors   

With 1,000 acres of beautiful campus, there's always plenty of natural landscape to enjoy at Skidmore. But when temperatures hit 60 degrees suddenly it seems as if all 2,500 students have ended their hibernation to soak up their share of Vitamin D. Whether it's a quiet study spot by Haupt Pond, live music on the green or a hike in the North Woods, each student finds their way outside.

Two student sit by Haupt Pond
Gadria Conlan '21 (center) and Grace Mendola '21 study by Haupt Pond. 
Young man plays his guitar outside
Colin Mahoney '21 serenades friends with his guitar on a sunny spring day. 
Professor leads a class of students outside
Michael Arnush, associate professor of classics, holds class outside.
Student walking on a wooded trail
Josh Wagner '17 hikes the trails in Skidmore's North Woods.  

4. People are Loving Mother Earth

As nature wakes up from its long winter nap, so does our appreciation for our planet. One of the ways Skidmore students kick off the spring season is by giving back and digging in to celebrate Earth Day. 

Student plant trees for Earth Day
Ian Daly '18 (left) and Eli Hersch '20 participate in an Earth Day project, planting fruit trees at the Skidmore Community Garden. 

5. There are presentations and performances galore 

You know spring is here when the campus life calendar is bursting with presentations, performances and more. As the semester winds down, the events ramp up and there's no time of year quite so full of creative expression. 

Student presenting research project at Academic Fest
Hallie Echelman '17 shares her research during Academic Fest, a campuswide celebration of student achievements and intellect.
Students dance in a ballet performance of Swan Lake
Students dance in "Vive la Danse! Swan Lake Act II" at the Zankel Music Center.

6. Campuswide celebrations are just around the corner

As preparations begin for some of the biggest celebrations of the year, you know the final signs of spring are here. Let loose in whimsical style at Skidmore's annual all-out-music-fest-meets-last-hoorah-of-the-semester. Then, come together as a community to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduating seniors at perhaps the most important celebration of all, Commencement. 

Students pose for a photo during the Fun Day festival on campus
Skidmore students pose for a photo on the Green during Fun Day. 
Student take a selfie in their gaps and gowns during commencement
New Skidmore alumni capture a moment at their Commencement. 

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