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Skidmore College


Movie poster with man standing in climbing gear surrounded by tents and a snowy mountain

Movie poster with farmers standing in a field with shovels

Movie poster with city scape over a river

An American Ascent, Andrew Adkins and George Potter (2014)

Urban Roots, Mark Maclnnis (2011)

Beyond Recognition, Michelle Steinberg (2015)

Movie Poster of a person sitting in a chair surrounded by a house falling a part

Movie poster including a factory with a whirlwind coming out of the tower

Turquoise image with water spout with a lock on it

Come Hell or High Water: The Battle of Turkey Creek, Leah Mahan (2014)

An Inconvenient Truth, Davis Guggenheim (2006)

Flow, Irena Salina (2008)

three women sitting on the ground

Movie Poster with drawings of people pusing a cart of stuff and pulling a trash can of stuff

Movie poster with three people with shopping bags over their heads and surrounded by more bags

Sisters on the Planet, Shannon Hart (2011)

The Story of Stuff, Louis Fox (2007)

The True Cost, Andrew Morgan (2015)

Drawing including military with guns, person in suit, stacks on money, mask, airplanes, and barbed wire

RISE: Standing Rock Parts I and II

How Environmental Racism Shapes the U.S.

Shock Doctrine, Naomi Klein (2009)

RISE: Standing Rock Parts I and II, Michelle Latimer (2017)

How Environmental Racism Shapes the US, PBS - Robert Bullard (2020)


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