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Skidmore College

Updates and Next Steps to Address Sexual and
Gender-Based Misconduct

October 27, 2021


Dear Students, 

As I shared last week, I am eager to collaborate with you, and indeed all members of our community, to respond to the concerns raised about sexual and gender-based misconduct on our campus. Our overarching goal is to bring about a safer, more secure, more inclusive, more welcoming community committed to respect and justice for all. I write today to share updates regarding the specific steps we are taking to listen, learn, and address these critical issues together.  

Feedback Sessions  

The Office of Dean of Students is currently coordinating feedback sessions for students. These sessions will begin by the middle of next week, and information about the format and instructions for signing up will be shared soon. Leslie Gomez, a nationally recognized expert and former sexual violence prosecutor, will participate in the listening sessions with me. The feedback sessions will provide space for conversations with BIPOC and LGBTQ students, as well as student organizations. Students can also sign up for individual meetings with Leslie to share feedback and observations.

Information and Resource Hub 

The College is developing an online resource for the campus community that will serve as a hub of information and updates regarding our collective efforts to address sexual misconduct at Skidmore. All of our campus communications, as well as a link for community members to share feedback and recommendations, will be posted there. I welcome suggestions for ideas and resources that you feel may be helpful to include on this site.

Working Group 

The College is establishing a working group to listen, discuss, understand, and make recommendations concerning policies, programs, and initiatives designed to address sexual and gender-based harassment, sexual violence, relationship and interpersonal violence, and stalking. This working group will include student, staff, and faculty representation.

Other Action Steps  

In addition to the items described above, we are scheduling individual listening hours to review policies and procedures, and developing robust partnerships with external experts, service providers, and community resource organizations. I look forward to sharing regular updates on these efforts with you.  

There will undoubtedly be challenges and difficult conversations in the weeks ahead, but I know that substantial change and real trust-building is possible for our campus. I believe this because I have seen the dedication and care displayed by so many who are committed to working together to improve the safety and well-being of our community. 

We as administrators, faculty, and staff are deeply committed to listening earnestly to the needs and experiences of our community, understanding how we can improve processes, providing our care and support for survivors of sexual and gender-based misconduct and other impacted community members, and working together to eliminate sexual violence on campus.

If at any point, you would like to communicate your thoughts or questions to me, I encourage you to reach out.



Adrian Bautista, Ph.D.
Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs