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Skidmore College


Career Development Center

Career Advisor Spotlight: Malcolm Perry '14

July 22, 2019
Skidmore Career Advisor, Malcolm Perry '14

Skidmore Career Advisor, Malcolm Perry '14

Skidmore's Career Advisor Network is a Skidmore-exclusive database made up of alumni and parents connected with the college.  These mentors are eager to share their career experiences and advice with Skidmore students.

Soha Jafarzade, the Sands Family Foundation Assistant Director of Diversity Career Development, recently chatted with digital media strategist and music producer, Malcolm Perry '14.  Malcolm spent his time at Skidmore studying Management & Business, while also participating in Ujima, Raices, and Voices for Planned Parenthood.

Malcolm is a great contact for students interested in media & communications careers.  He currently works at Tyler Perry Studios.

Soha: Malcolm, thanks for being a career advisor.  What is a tip you can give Skidmore students on how to best network with alumni?

Malcolm: LinkedIn has become my best friend when networking and maintaining relationships with alumni and old coworkers. Networking with Skidmore alumni helped me land my last two jobs that I've had, so keeping up with your classmates and maintaining those relationships can be super beneficial down the road. My tip would be to invest in LinkedIn Pro and stay up to date with alumni happy hours and mixers wherever they live.

Soha: How have you used diversity to your advantage during the interview process?

Malcolm: We all have unique stories and come from different backgrounds so I've used my own personal stories to share during interviews. I try to answer typical interview questions by sharing a story that illustrates my capabilities for the role. Interviewers usually love when you use personal anecdotes and it also makes the interview more exciting! Whether you're from a different country, ethnicity, gender, or job experience, use what makes you unique to your advantage. No two people's stories are ever the same. 

Soha: If you could give first year students one piece of career advice, what would it be?

Malcolm: First impressions are important, but every impression after the first is equally important. Always keep a smile on your face and have a positive attitude. People will always remember the energy you bring to the room. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. 

Thank you Malcolm and all of our awesome career advisors!  If you're a Skidmore alumnus or parent and wish to serve as an advisor, please request an account here

Skidmore's career counselors encourage all students to take advantage of exploring the network.  Students can sign in to activate their account using their Skidmore login credentials.