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Skidmore College


Career Development Center

Online Career Resoucres

Many of our online resources require passwords and/or contain firewalls. To access these resources off campus, login into your Handshake account, and search the Resource Library.

You can also access our Passwords for Resources for a complete list.

 Career Assessments

What Can I Do With This Major

  • Whether you’re exploring majors or searching for information about your chosen field, this website will help you connect majors to careers. 

CEI Internships


  • Helps job and internship seekers find opportunities both at home and abroad (40 countries worldwide)
  • Current Students: No password needed on campus.
  • Alumni: Gain access to GoinGlobal through Skidmore Connect

On Campus Employment

Resources for Finding Remote Work 

Internship Contacts in the Saratoga Region

Gale Research Centers Directory

  • Comprehensive guide to North America’s premier nonprofit research organizations. Information on each organization includes programs, staffing, and publications, as well as services of centers, laboratories, institutes, experiment stations, farms, research support facilities, technology transfer centers, think tanks, incubators, research parks, and more.
  • On-Campus: No password needed.
  • Off-Campus: Find login credentials on our Passwords for Resources list.

NACE Salary Calculator