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Skidmore College
ES 105
Environmental Studies and Sciences

Official Policies

Academic Honesty
We allow and expect you to help each other learn the course material; thus we encourage you to collaborate on homework and lab work. Collaboration entails the active participation of all group members. All members of a group must write their own answers in their own words and draw their own diagrams and conclusions.  Copying another person's work is strictly prohibited, and is a violation of the Honor Code. Direct quotes and paraphrases from any source, including assigned reading material, must be properly referenced. The Honor Code applies to all aspects of this course.

Please review the "Ethics of Scholarship" page or contact the Dean of Studies office if you have any questions.

Student Participation and Attendance
You play a vital role in this class. Active participation in this course includes, but is not restricted to, interaction in the lectures, discussions, laboratories, activities, and with outside speakers. When you are absent, you detract from your teammates' learning. Thus, just as in the workplace, you have an obligation to appear every day, on time.

Participation and attendance will be recorded daily in lecture through the use of the "question of the day." The lecturer will ask a question of the class, and you will have a few minutes to write your answer, draw a diagram, or provide feedback. You are encouraged to work with your classmates while formulating your answers.

Attendance in laboratory is mandatory. Laboratory work is an essential part of this course. Therefore, each unexcused absence from lab will result in a 5% loss to your overall course grade (half a letter grade). If a legitimate conflict arises, you must talk to your lab instructor at least one week ahead of the conflict. In the case of illness, you must contact your instructor PRIOR to your lab meeting time. You must pass the lab in order to pass the course.

Work Outside the Classroom
Expect to spend 6-8 hours of quality concentrated study time outside of class per week. Integrate what you learn in this class with other aspects of your life. Relate news stories on the environment, floods, politics, or natural resources to what you've learned in this class. Discuss environmental science with classmates, friends, and family.

Pre-Lab Assignments: 
Pre-lab assignments will be available on theSpring one week before each lab. The assignment will be due to your lab instructor before your lab begins, unless otherwise noted. Not all labs will have a pre-lab assignment but it is your responsibility to check theSpring each week before lab and complete the assignment. Pre-labs will count toward your overall lab assignment grade.

Missed Deadlines: 
Work is due on the due date. Late work will not be acceptable. Under special circumstances, and with permission of the instructor, your lab work may be handed in by noon of the day after the due date with a 5% penalty and 5% additional loss for each subsequent day.

Missed Exams: 
You must be present for all exams. It is not possible to make up exams after the exam has been given to the class. Under certain circumstances, and with prior approval from the appropriate instructor, it may be possible to take an exam early.


Hour Tests
(3 at 12% each)
36 %
Final Project 14 %
Lab Report 25 %
Lab Assignments 20 %
Participation 5 %
Total 100%

Pass/Fail Grade (S/U)=73

Information on policies concerning grades of Temporary Incomplete (I), Incomplete Fail (IF), Withdrawal (W), and Withdrawal Fail (WF) can be found in the Catalog.