Tom Lewis
B.A., University of New Brunswick (Canada)
M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University
Office: Palamountain 326
Phone: (518) 580-5172
Teaching and Research Interests:
- Biography
- Modern British and American Literature (Poetry and Prose)
- Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture
- Literature and Technology
- Documentary Filmmaking
- Classical Literature in Translation
Courses Taught:
- SSP 100: The Hudson River
- EN 105H: Documentary Film Writing
- EN 229: Writing Lives/Writing Lies
- EN 229: Literature of the Civil War
- EN 322: American Transformations
- EN 363: Literature and Landscape
- EN 375: Ulysses
- Letters of Hart Crane and His Family (Columbia UP, 1974)
- Empire of the Air (Harper Collins/Burlingame Books,1991)
- Divided Highways (Viking Books,1997)
- The Hudson: a History (Yale, 2005)
Selected documentary films (researcher, writer, or producer):
- Brooklyn Bridge
- The Shakers (1985)
- Empire of the Air (1992)
- Divided Highways (1997)
- Radio productions for National Public Radio and Public Radio International